Friday, September 25, 2015


            Hypermedia is also the commonly known multimedia but with the inclusion of educational computer software where students are exposed to virtual learning environment. In hypermedia, information-learning activities are presented in a non-linear manner that encourages autonomy and thinking skills for students.
            Hypermedia applications can be learner controlled and learner can have wide range of navigation routes and he can use variety of media. This would mean that learners have the control for the flow of instruction but also depending on the ability and motivation of the students. Nevertheless, the teacher will always determine the suitable learning objectives. And also, hypermedia includes more than one medium that can be used by the students. And the teacher’s task is to identify the characteristics of media application as well as its advantages and limitations.
            Indeed, information and communication technology cannot replace the teacher altogether because only teachers have the capability to understand and identify the hypermedia that is suitable and appropriate for the learners.
            The use of Hypermedia is encouraged in the school. Since this is about using the different media then I believe we are now into applying of Hypermedia. Rightly, hypermedia encourages independence and creativity and critical thinking in the part of students. Like for example in making a video presentation, we are not just making any video that we want rather we need to understand the concept and the media that we should incorporate in the presentation we will make. But on the other way around, we are given the chance to be independent in our own learning because we are not controlled to a linear presentation. It would just depend on us. So I think the experience we have made us a lot more serious about our learning.
            Hypermedia in any case provides us various ways in making our projects and activities. Through using hypermedia, our learning is not limited to only one pace but we are opportune to explore a lot of things about technology. But also, as learners we will know of our limitations with the help of our mentors, our teachers that will lead us to the right usage of hypermedia in improving and enhancing our skills.
            Understanding Hypermedia is important in the educational context to ensure its successful integration in the teaching-learning process. As teacher soonest, it is my duty to experience how to use hypermedia and be literate about it to give to my students the quality facilitation of their learning. “I cannot give what I do not have”. So through understanding hypermedia I will be able to share to them the advantages and limitations of such applications.

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