Thursday, September 24, 2015


            Traditional teaching is far different from the present. In the past, the teacher is the fountain of knowledge and acts as a teacher literally. Every day, the scenario would always be the teacher standing in front and the students sitting in their chairs and then listen to the teacher. After some time, students become bored and tired and overloaded with information which in the first place they did not even internalize. But thanks to the new way of instruction where students become independent learners and doers of different classroom activities making them critical and creative thinkers.
             This is where Student- Centered Learning arisen. In almost all the developed countries, they have adopted the support of ICT’s. Students now become active and not passive learners who can interact with other learners, becoming independent and self-aware of the learning process. 
            With the advent of the Information technology, we cannot tell that all educational arena are practicing the new trend. While there is still an under developed country, we cannot assure full application of the Student- Centered Learning for they have no other option but to use traditional learning activities for the sake of students literacy.
            Somehow, our country is really trying to cope with the use of technology in education. Apparently, we are part of the users of these technologies. We are requested to use PPT in reporting with the LCD and Projector, surf the net for independent study, use electronic resources for learning like toondoo, edmodo and other applications and also we are encourage to have virtual communication with other people to add our learning.  However, though we are exposed to Information Technology, we cannot deny the fact that it’s still not enough for our wholesome learning since we are still on the process of development. Anyhow, with regards to the Student-Centered Learning, we are really into it because we are in the world of Outcomes-based approaches and teachers cannot afford to always be the fountain of knowledge.

            Engaging students in a learning where they are the main lead is the ideal teaching that I should always bear in mind when I become a teacher. I realized that those times where we believe that only the teachers are the sole source of information, students will really find it hard to apply their learning in the real setting. But with the Student- Centered Learning, students are really the center.
            Information Technology is really applicable nowadays especially that my soon to be learners are already exposed to student-centered learning. Since students are used to having games or activities of the 21st century, I should consider four things which are found in the book:  1. students can perform using the computer; 2. prepare PPT; 3. search information on the internet. Lastly, 4.develop their critical thinking through brainstorming of ideas. With these guide, we, as teachers can better help our students to excel in their field when they will have their own career in life.

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