Sunday, August 9, 2015


            We have learned that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a powerful tool to educative process. Now, we are to consider the “computer”, the third revolution in education as an ICT. The computer today is like reading and writing where a learner should be literate in it. In this lesson, some of the programs installed in a computer were also determined like Microsoft office, Power Point, Excel, Yahoo or Google, and all other applications which are very useful in the teaching-learning.
            Instructional media was also differentiated with Educational Communication media where the previous is consist of audio-visual aids and can enhance and enrich teaching-learning process while the latter involves media of communication to audiences, it uses print, film, and other media for communication. Through the advent of computer, these were being combined to the fact that personal computer is tool for both audio-visual creations and media communication.

            I don’t think if there is one of today’s learners who do not know how to manipulate the computer. It is a necessity to be literate in the PC for we are in the world of Information Technology. That is why we are now unto practical application of the basic manipulation of the computer and the programs inside it.

            It’s very important to really understand the concept of computer as an ICT because its usage is risky when not used properly. We need to use an appropriate ICT in our teaching-learning process where students are able to relate it to their real life situation and soon apply it in their endeavors in life. In order to do that, we need to be knowledgeable of the tools we are using so that we can integrate technology in a most meaningful way.


            As future teachers, ICT will already be part of our teaching. It’s very important that we are equipped with the technologies present today. But we should always remember that computers as ICT are just aids or tools and not replacement of the teacher.


This lesson is more on the specific view of the ways to develop higher order thinking. It focuses on the four IT-based projects that will enable the learners to use critical thinking in making projects which are really student-centered, namely: Resource-based projects, Simple Creations, Guided Hypermedia projects, and Web-based projects. These projects represent a constructivist approach where the teacher is the one who creates the environment, give students the tools and facilities, and the one who facilitates learning.
Mainly, resource-based projects is about independent study where students are the ones who will find facts and information about a certain topic or problem that a teacher will give to them. This is more on inquiry or discovery approach where learners will relate their experiences to the real world. Simple creations is about the creativity of the students in terms of utilizing the technology. It defines the real meaning of creativity which is to analyze, synthesize, and promote. Guided hypermedia is on using the self-made multimedia projects as an instructional or communicative tool. Instructional when students makes PowerPoint presentation to aid reporting. Coomunication when students use multimedia to present something in class that requires the participation of all. And web-based projects are not that applicable to average students for it requires uploading of journals or outputs to be viewed by public. But still it’s not prohibited to them.

            We can already relate to these projects for in Educational Technology 1, we have done making outputs from different software materials which we have used and applied not just in Edtech but also in our other subjects like rubistar, toondoo, edmodo, camptasia, and other applications which are so helpful in our learning.

            As a reporter of this lesson, I understood that there are a lot of projects and activities that can be given to students where their higher thinking skills will be used. This lesson is of great help for teachers to vary their strategies in giving students the tasks that they need to perform in school. I realize that a teacher should just really be a facilitator in the new generation, thinking that all the projects are learner-centered.

            As a learner, I am able to use my knowledge in Technology to the different projects I have which is the target of this lesson.  Higher thinking skills involves constructive projects where a learner is able to produce an output through the use of technology. Hence, I should impart the learning I have to the new generation of technology learners.


            We have learned the six fluency skills in Lesson 6. Now, we are to understand how these skills are being assessed and evaluated since assessment and evaluation are integral parts of students’ learning. We have observed that the traditional world are now on the process of changing their old ways and they are adapting to the digital world. With the advent of technology, the metamorphosed teachers should change their old ways of evaluating students. Since this is a digital world, the assessment tools should also be digital. With that, Lesson 7 proposed examples in assessing the technology in learning. As given, standard paper tests are already not applicable today. We are now focused on the process on how the students do their products not just solely on the output itself. Mass amateurization is also included in this lesson. This is a term which implies a mass reach of students’ outputs. Basically, this aims to bridge the gap between those who are experts in creating outputs and the outputs that the students make wherein they will have an equal output in the real world. There are a lot of ways on how to do this and the internet is a technique in publishing a very good output.

            We can always determine if a student have learned something when we give them assessment and evaluation. I, myself could testify the help of evaluation in terms of defining if I have really gained something from our lectures and activities in school. And for the evaluation of technology learning, we are given lots of tasks to really apply our knowledge in theories about technology. Sometimes we are ask to produce a teaching tool. Other times we are to produce a very good PPT and other Educational Technology outputs which will ensure that we can apply the mass amateurization.

            I realized that being a teacher of the new generation, we are to focus on the process of the students in practicing the fluency skills for them to become effective and efficient individuals in their chosen profession. And that would depend on the evaluation tools that we are giving to them. We should make sure that what we are testing to them is appropriate and applicable to their learning today.

            A digital learner needs a digital evaluation of learning. I should learn the strategies in assessing the learnings of today’s learner. I will make sure that they are given the appropriate evaluation for the technology learning.


            Developing Basic Digital Skills means that the 3R’s (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic) known as the Basic Skills are being complemented with the 6 fluency skills: solution, collaboration, media, creativity, and digital ethics. These skills will be used by the learners to execute the learning they acquire from school. Specifically, solution fluency is the capacity and creativity of the learners to solve problems. Information fluency involves ability of students to access information, retrieve information, and of course reflect, assess, and rewrite the information they get. Collaboration fluency is the teamwork of real partners in the online environment. Media fluency is on the channel that students will use based on their analytical mind and creative ability. Creativity fluency is their ability to analyze and synthesize ideas. And lastly, digital ethics is about the “netiquette” of the learners, a term used in the digital world for the values needed from the users. The combination of these skills will make the students succeed in this new generation. And all of these will lead to the using of higher thinking skills of the students which is a must in this generation.

            These fluencies are really a matter in our subjects right now especially that most of the activities and assignments are based on digital resources. I believe that we are already applying these higher plane of thinking skills especially the ability to access info, retrieve and reflect on these information. Also, these things are very applicable in this subject, “Educational Technology” because the title itself suggests that these are all about digital technology. Also, I have used these fluency skills to show my ability in the real life scenarios especially that, fluency is a wholesome skill.

I am very privilege to know these fluency skills that result to higher thinking. It is a necessity to be aware of these things which are to be imparted with my future learners. I would like also to emphasize the need of the higher thinking skills framework where it should start in the remembering and end in creating. I better understood that learning is really a process. The fluency skills and higher thinking are not acquired overnight. It needs to be worked out to achieve quality learning. It would also mean that, I should teach my students in a step by step process so they can learn the things without compromising any skill.

            The fluency skills as well as the higher thinking framework can be a way to a better learning for this new era of technology. Learning is not just a mere knowledge of the computer and all other technologies but it is the holistic skill that should be taught to students. As future educator, I must put in mind these fluency skills for my learners to be equipped with the basic digital skills in their generation.


“Preferences of the Technology Generation” is about differentiating the inclinations of the past-30 years old generation and the new digital generation. A lot of differences were introduced in this lesson as to texts versus visuals, linear versus hyper media, independent versus social learners, learning to do versus learning to pass the test, delayed rewards and instant gratification, and rote memory versus fun learning. This variances somehow create the generation gap which can possibly destroy the future of our digital learners.

Justly, I experienced some of the traditional ways of learning but I still experienced almost all the learning ways of the digital generation.
When I was in High School, I was this person who researches through reading books. But now in college I am already downloading videos and PDF’s for my reports. I can also learn better when I am with other persons like classmates and friends because my learning style is interpersonal. I am more into social learning than independent learning. And I am this kind of person who wants every learning to be fun not a responsibility or an obligation.

Having known the way students of new generation learn best, I can now prepare myself to teaching them in a way they prefer to be. I would say that this generation is demanding but this will serve as a challenge to me as a product also of this generation. This lesson helped me know the preferences or likes of my students which I can use in targeting the skills that they need to acquire as learners of this era.
As I can see, digital world is much advantageous compared to the old one. But it’s also unquestionably true that old teachers and old ways of learning have big impact to where we are right now. In all honesty, I’m really into the digital generation for it has a lot of opportunities and ways in acquiring information but let us also be aware of its limitations for “too much of everything is not good”. We may find this generation fun and easy, but let us not forget that too much is also expected on us. If we say that new generation is better than the old then we must surpass the things that they have achieved in the past.


This lesson will serve as a needs analysis to me as a student-teacher. I can better help my students in their everyday endeavors in school for I am already aware of their inclinations. In addition, it will give me the idea of making appropriate strategies for my digital generation students. Knowing the preferences of students is not just solely for them but also for the teachers to understand their learning styles.